Why it is important for Black Americans to recieve reparations!
After watching the video clip about Black Wall Street, I am further compelled to seek reparations. It is extremely sickening and heartbreaking to know that those whom are Caucasian have simply gotten away with what they've did to the black Americans and their businesses. I really dislike to see and learn how black Americans were treated as if they were not human beings whatsoever. It is a must that black Americans receive reparations from all that that have been faced with from decades ago. I can admit that it truly bothers me to know that many Caucasians have 'gotten away' with what they have done towards the black community. Many businesses were lost, homes were destroyed/lost, and their ways of surviving such a farming had been taken away. I strongly believe and feel that this is one of the many reasons as to why black Americans and those part of the black community 'grind' and 'hustle' so hard in todays day and age. There is approximately ten times more wealth in the average white family compared to the average black family today. White college graduates have over seven times more wealth than Black college graduates. To make the American Dream a reality, the same government that denied Blacks wealth must restore it to their descendants as reparations, in the form of cash payments in the amount necessary to close the racial wealth gap between blacks and whites. Reparations for the black community and black Americans is a topic that I can go on and on about because it is a topic that has always intrigued me and it it something that needs to be brought into the light way more than often. Many people like to brush the traumatic events that black people faced and dealt with under the rug. In reality, many of these events only happened not even that long ago. It is time to start bringing more awareness to this topic and start holding these people accountable for what they have done even if it has happened years ago. Something MUST be changed.